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Thucydides Ponders Afghanistan
Section 1: Introduction
Course Introduction
About the Author
Why Thucydides is Great (5:13)
Introduction to Thucydides (2:34)
Introduction to The History of The Peloponnesian War (2:17)
References (2:50)
Section 2: Book One: Fear, Honor and Interest
Alleged Causes of War (6:01)
Fear, Honor and Interest (9:39)
Fear, Honor and Interest Applied to Afghanistan (9:56)
Section 3: Book Two
Book II Overview (8:30)
Sun Tzu and Thucydides (18:34)
Book II Applied to Afghanistan (46:16)
Section 4: Book Three
Civil War (39:19)
Section 5: Book 4
Irregular Warfare (33:15)
Section 6: Book Five
The Melian Dialogue (43:31)
Section 7: Book Six
Security Force Assistance (34:03)
Section 8: Book Seven
The Sicilian Expedition (56:18)
Section 9: Book Eight
Operational Art (27:03)
Section 10: Exclusive Teachable Talk
Alexander the Great and Logistics (23:18)
Photo and Video Credits
Alexander the Great and Logistics
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